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College & Seminary

After I traded thick glasses for contact lenses and changed my hillbilly image, I was shocked to become the college yearbook queen. (Center)

I was a long way from 'Essie Drowns' and South 11th Street.

My mother was an excellent seamstress and made the gowns I wore in contests I entered.

In my college dorm room, I tried to look cool and dramatic, and a long way from Pike Creek and the railroad tracks.

Miss Fain, the School of The Ozarks Librarian. I will never forget her.

In college, I changed my hair style from kinky curls to a foot tall classic bouffant. It's a wonder birds didn't build a nest in there.

Carey Hall where I lived while in Seminary and where I met Peter.

The first time I saw Peter, I thought he was a Viking.

Ann Green and I were students and roommates at the New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary, 1975

Sitting on the floor (center) with a group of friends from Seminary, including my roommate Ann and her sister, Dale sitting on the sofa.

Peter Jenkins and his rugged appearance caught my eye at the seminary.

When Peter and I met, I dumped a bucket of water over his head and someone snapped a picture of the water fight.

Before Peter and I were married.

We married at The Word of Faith Temple, February 7, 1976 where I heard the sermon, "Will You Go With This Man."
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